"Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." - Matthew 28:20
Have you ever heard of Flat Stanley? If not, here is a brief Wikipedia summary of the project: The Flat Stanley Project was started in 1995 by Dale Hubert, a third grade school teacher in London, Ontario, Canada. It is meant to facilitate letter-writing by schoolchildren to each other as they document where Flat Stanley has accompanied them.
Several years ago, some church leaders looked at the tremendous success of the Flat Stanley Project and thought that the concept had potential for the church. They started the Flat Jesus Project. They offered one-page drawings of Jesus that children could color, cut out and take with them throughout their day. If they went to school, flat Jesus would be with them. If they were at soccer practice, Jesus would be with them there as well. Fishing on their uncle’s pond? You guessed it; Jesus was there too. The point was to remind the kids that Jesus is always with them. The children took pictures to help them document their week and some of the interesting places where they went with Jesus.
Over the years a number of churches have taken part in the Flat Jesus Project. It’s helped kids and adults alike to remember that no matter where they are Jesus is right there with them. Of course, Jesus is grander than a picture we print out, color and pack with us. Flat Jesus is not meant to be the object of our worship. Flat Jesus is simply a tangible reminder that our savior, our ultimate hope and trust, is always with us.
As we near what is hopefully our final month of only having virtual church, I think the Flat Jesus Project might be a fun project to help the Maple Avenue family reconnect after months apart. Here’s how you can participate: Print out a picture of Flat Jesus, Color him in, cut him out, and carry him along on some of your daily journeys. If you do not have crayons or colored pencils, you can use the printout that is already colored in. Make sure you take a few pictures of some of the fun and interesting places you and Flat Jesus have gone and share those with me so that they can be shared with the rest of the congregation.
Flat Jesus Cutout
Pre-Colored-In Flat Jesus Cutout
*If you do not have a printer and want to participate please let us know and we can get you what you need.
Again, this project is meant to help us remember that Jesus is with us in every step of life. We have great hope because of this truth. So have fun with this project and if you have any questions please let me know. I look forward to seeing where you and Jesus find yourself in the coming weeks.