Group Bible Study: Our next pastor lead bible study will start on Sept. 18 at 7:00pm and will study the letter of Ephesians using the book, N.T. Wright For Everyone Bible Study Guides: Ephesians. Please sign up in the narthex or send Josh an email.
Missions for September: Our mission focus is on our First Responders. You are
invited to bring individual packaged snacks (crackers, bars, etc) and packs of (Gatorade, etc.) that will be delivered to our police and fire departments.
Men's Dinner: Our next Men's gathering will be on Sept. 13 at 6PM. Dinner will start at 6:30PM. Come out and enjoy great fellowship with other guys at Maple Avenue!
Spark after Dark: Kids evening activities resume on Sept 8th.
Charge Conference: Charge Conference is scheduled for October 9 at 7:30pm at the church.
Adult Sunday School: The class has started a new study on James. The class meets each Sunday morning at 9:45am in the small classroom off of the Chapel.
Directory: We are creating an updated directory for our congregation. If you would please fill out a membership data form (even if you are a regular visitor). Also, we ask that you share a current picture for the directory. Email your picture to Linda at If you do not have a picture to share, we will be scheduling a time for someone to take pictures at the church.
Do You Want to Take a Picture? We are looking for help capturing photos and videos of church events. Please see Josh if you are interested.
Exercise at Maple Avenue: Strength Training on Mondays at 10am. Stretching on Fridays at 10am. All are welcome!